The rate of population is increasing demand for meat availability is also increasing. With respect thereto, in particular cattle beef cattle merupakn one source of food-producing resources in the form of meat that have high economic value and importance in public life. Because the sector or cattle kelompopk can produce a variety of needs, especially as a food ingredient in the form of meat, along with other like-product of manure, skin, bones and so on. Meat is very beneficial for the fulfillment of animal protein nutrition.
Sebgai one cow grazing animals are acting as collectors of low nutrient that is converted to high nutrient, and then transmitted to humans in the form of meat. Meat for nutrition began to increase compliance with the term "toddler" and the lifting of the role of nutrition on the quality of future generations.
So for the animal protein needs of beef cattle this we need to improve khhususnya [roduksi meat. Cattle-business development is driven by demand for meat continued to increase from year to year.
Local cows contained in Banten province can all be used for fattening business. However, not all types of cows that have the same prospects for fattened. There are some indicators that can be used to determine the type of cattle that is more prospective for fattened.
These indicators are:
v Total population
v The number of population increase each year
v Distribution
v Production and carcass
v Efficiency of feed
The types of beef cattle are usually raised is: Bali cattle, beef Madura, Ongole cows, beef Peranakan ongole, Charolois cattle, Hereford cattle, Brangus cows and others.
community maintained
Compared with the farmer's cow shed in Europe, then barn cow farmers in Banten province, although only consisting of bamboo poles, thatch and the floors are compressed, but good enough. This is because farmers in Banten Province only between 3-4 having an ox's tail, where the cows at night only just kept in a cage, was the day the cattle tied in the yard because it was not done or shepherd.
Every morning when the cows are removed, then cleaned up the dirt in the cage together the leftovers transported and inserted into the hole that has been provided, to then become fertilizer, are the marks of urine sprinkled with ashes from the fire. About where food for livestock farmers in Banten province does not require equipment, because of the food provided is grass, leaves and straw, never and rarely given food konsetrat, unless the cows are fattened. Food is placed on the ground, if need be limited to the bars of bamboo or wood.
Cages for beef cattle should be made of materials that cheap but powerful, it must be light and free air exchange. The roof of the roof / thatch / grass. The floor should be paved or at least compacted soil.
Cattle farmers in the province of Banten fed grass, leaves or straw. Umumnnya in quality and quantity of food the cows well enough. This can be seen from the state of the cows are quite fresh, plump and good health.
When viewed perli in Banten Province farmers provide food for the dry season. Usually farmers store hay and food storage does not need much because cattle are raised by only 3-4 tails.
Feed for beef cattle can be grouped into:
a. Greenery
Good-quality green (or superior grass with green grass mixed nuts) are already able to meet basic living needs, pertunbuhan and normal reproduction, so the maintenance of cows encouraged more use of green (85-100%), when the greenery widely available, giving concentrate only recommended for specific conditions such as hard green (in summer) or for fattening.
Example greenery superior:
Grass v setaria
v elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum)
Grass v King (Kinggrass)
v Bengal Grass (Panicum maximum)
v Bede Grass (Brachiaria decumbens)
v Lamtorogun (Leucaena leucocepala)
v Turi (Sesbania grandiflora)
v Gamal (Gliricidia maculata)
v Drinks
Examples of green agricultural waste:
v bean straw
Soybean Straw v
v Rice Straw
v Straw corn
b. Concentrates
Sample concentrates:
v Rice Bran
v Onggok (cassava dregs)
v dregs know
v And so on
c. Additional Food
Example: vitamins, minerals and urea
In general, the food for a cow each day as follows:
- Green :35-47 kg or vary according to body weight and large
- Concentrate: 2-5 kg
- Additional Food: 30-50 grams
One of the elements that treatments should not be ignored also adalaj health care including disease prevention to the ranch entrance.
Various types of disease in cattle that is often infectious or contagious either not infectious. Infected with communicable diseases in general lead to large losses for the farmers from year to year thousands become victims of cattle spleen inflammatory disease (anthrax), thousands of other cattle and mouth disease attack and nails, and surra disease.
Several types of diseases that often occur in beef cattle are:
a. Anthrax (inflammation of the spleen)
b. Mouth disease and nail
c. Surra disease
d. Thigh inflammatory disease
e. Bruccellosis disease (contagious abortion)
f. Nail rot (foot RoR)
g. Heart worm
h. Helminth
i. Etc.
VI. Breeding
In the cattle business is the production system to produce calves that is almost the same age in large quantities to be sold as calves (Feeder Cattle), then the marriage is seasonally
Beef cattle are beginning adult sex arose when oestrus (the signs of lust, bronst). At the age of 8-12 months, depending on the nations, food, and environment.
How to marriage in beef cattle can be done by regulation and supervision of fully human ooleh called the way "Hand mating" the maintenance of males and females are separated and if there are females who bronst, pejantanya taken to marry or be artificial marriage or marriage by free in a meadow . Cows where males and females were grown in the marriage season is released together, if there are cows bronst females without the intervention of the owner will be marriage.
The way this marriage is common in the beef cattle business in which marriages performed biasabya seasonally.
The diversity of livestock processed products with high added value to the community provide opportunities in Banten province to select different alternatives. Types developed in accordance with the processing characteristics and interests of the community. Compared with refined products have staying power is longer so as to reduce the risk due to price changes. In addition, in an effort to preserve the environment contribute, processing byproducts such as skin, bone and blood may reduce the risk of environmental pollution.
Careful handling and meticulous is needed in the production process to produce refined pruduk standard sesuia with sngat closely related to the quality and health products. This is a major constraint in introducing technology pengolahandi rural areas, because the development of agro-industries agribisnin and crop farms and the results have not developed optimally in Banten Province.
Results from cattle processed among others:
a. As with the meat can be processed jerky, bacon, sausage, meatballs, abon, corned.
b. As with the skin material can be processed to manufacture bags, shoes, belts.
In the marketing of products should be coordinated by a group of farmers or farm cooperatives. Costs to be incurred is not too much because it can be borne together.
Marketing of beef cattle than beef cattle marketed as a form of meat products, are also often sold in a state of life and should choose a standard price per kilogram live weight.
Harvest cattle production can be a meat and skin and results in the form of fertilizer next to tau bio gas.
(Bos sp.)
1. A BRIEF HISTORY existing cow came from the Homacodontidae
found at half Palaeoceen. The types found in the primitive stage
Plioceen in India. Sapi Bali which many commodities used as meat / beef cattle
was originally developed in Bali and then spread to several areas
such as: Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Sulawesi.
2. CENTER LIVESTOCK Cattle Bali, Ongole cows, cow PO (Peranakan ongole) and
Madura cattle are scattered in the area of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Sulawesi.
Aberdeen angus cow types are common in Scotland. Simental cows many
located in Switzerland. Brahman cattle from India and has been developed in
3. TYPES The types of beef cattle are found in Indonesia today is
Indonesian native cattle and imported beef. Of the types of beef cattle, the
each has characteristics peculiar, both in terms of the form
exterior (body size, coat color) or from genetic (growth rate).
Indonesia cows which is used as a source of meat is beef Bali, Ongole cows,
cow PO (Peranakan ongole) and Madura cattle. In addition, cows
Aceh is much exported to Malaysia (Penang). Of the population of beef cattle
there, which are considered evenly spread, respectively, are: Bali cattle, beef
PO, Madurese and Brahman.
Sapi Bali weight reached 300-400 kg. and percentage karkasnya 56.9%. Cow
Angus Aberdeen (Scotland) black hair, no horns, body shape
flat as a board and solid flesh, weight loss can be age 1.5 years
reached 650 kg, which is more suitable to be maintained as a beef cattle.
Simental cows (Switzerland) small horns, brown hair or
yellowish. On the face, knees down and type gelambir, tip
white tails.
Brahman cattle (from India), has been developed in America. Percentage karkasnya
45%. The specialty of this cow is not too selective to feed
provided, type of feed (grass and additional feed) will eat anything,
including bad food though. Beef cattle are also more resistant to
flea and mosquito bites and heat resistance.
4. Maintaining BENEFITS beef cattle is very beneficial, because not only
produce meat and milk, but also to produce manure and
as workers. Cows can also be used meranih carts, cow dung
also have economic value, because it includes organic fertilizer needed
by all types of plants. Cow dung can be a source of nutrients that can be
improve the soil structure to become more loose and fertile.
All beef organs can be used include:
1) The skin, as an industrial material bags, shoes, belts, hats, jackets.
2) Bone, can be processed into material adhesive / glue, bone meal and
3) Horn, used as craft materials such as combs, decorative walls and
there are many benefits for the benefit of human cattle.
5. LOCATION REQUIREMENTS ideal location to build a local stable
is located quite far from the settlement but easily reached by
vehicles. Kennels must be separated from the residence with a minimum distance of 10
meters and the sun should be able to penetrate the stable yard and near
to agricultural land. Making can be done in groups in
middle of rice fields.
6.1. Preparation Facility and Equipment
Cage can be made in the form of double or single, depending on the number of
owned cattle. In the single-cage type, placement done on cows
one line or one row, while the double-cage type
placement conducted in two rows facing each other or each other
opposites. Among the ranks are often made on the path to
Making cages for fattening purposes (kereman) usually in the singular
if the capacity of livestock raised only slightly. However, if the activities
fattening cattle intended for commercial cage size should be more extensive and
larger amount so as to accommodate more cows.
Floor of the cage should be kept clean endeavored to prevent the emergence of various
disease. The floor is made of solid ground or cement, and easy to clean
from cow dung. Ground floor covered with dry straw as a base
warm cage.
All parts of the cage and equipment that was used to disinfect consecrated
first with a disinfectant, such as creolin, lysol, and bahanbahan
Size cage made for a mature bull is 1.5 m or x2
2.5 x2 m, while for adult cows was 1.8 m and x2 for calves
just 1.5 x1 m per cow, with a high of + 2-2,5 m from the ground. Temperatures
approximately 25-40 degrees C cage (average of 33 degrees C) and humidity 75%.
Location of maintenance can be performed on the lowlands (100-500 m) to
plateau (> 500 m).
Cow shed for maintenance must be clean and not damp. Making
cage must consider some basic requirements which include
construction, location, size and equipment shed.
1) Construction and location of the cage
Cowshed construction like wooden houses. Bud-shaped roof of the cage and
one / two sloping sides. Cage floor was made of solid, higher than
the surrounding soil and slightly tilted towards the gutter outside the cage.
The point is that water that looks, including cow urine to flow easily into the
outside the cage floor remains dry. Cage construction material is wood
logs / planks of wood that comes from the strong. Not cowshed
closed meeting, but rather open for air circulation inside smoothly.
Included in the series of cattle feed supply is clean drinking water.
Given drinking water ad libitum, means must be available and should not be
run out at any time.
Kennels must be separated from the residence with a minimum distance of 10 meters and
sunlight can penetrate to the stable yard. Making
cowshed can be done in groups in the middle of rice fields or rice fields.
2) Enclosure Size
Before making the cage should be calculated in advance the number of cows
will be maintained. The size of a cow barn for adult males is 1.5 x 2
m. While for a mature cow is 1.8 x 2 m and for a
calf 1.5 x1 enough m. 3) Equipment Enclosure
Included in the equipment shed is a place of feed and drinking, which
should be made outside the cage, but still below the roof. Feeder
be somewhat higher for a given feed is not being trampled /
mixed waste. Place of drinking water should be made permanent mortarboard
and slightly higher than the surface of the floor.
Thus, dung and urine are not mixed in it.
Other equipment that needs to be provided are brooms, brushes, shovels, sickles, and
a place to bathe cows. All the equipment is to
cleaning cages to avoid cow disease and can
used to bathe cows.
6.2. Seedling
Terms of livestock that must be considered are:
1) Has a sign of ear, meaning it has registered pedet and complete
2) His eyes were bright and clean.
3) There were no signs often needed, troubled breathing, and from
nose is not out mucus.
4) nails were not hot when touched.
5) No visible external parasites of the skin and fur.
6) There are no signs of diarrhea in the tail and anus.
7) No sign of skin damage and hair loss.
8) navel clean and dry, if still soft and fluffy not indicate
that was about pedet approximately two days.
To produce meat, choose the appropriate type of beef cattle type of Bali,
Brahman cattle, cows PO, and cows that match and are often found in areas
local. The characteristics of beef cattle beef type is as follows:
1) in the body, large, rectangular / ball. 2) the quality of the meat
maximum and marketable. 3) relatively rapid rate of growth. 4)
high material efficiency.
6.3. Maintenance
Maintenance includes the provision of beef cattle feeding (rations) and the management
cage. Function in the maintenance of the cow shed is:
a) Protect the cow from the rain and hot sun.
b) Easier maintenance and monitoring.
c) Maintaining the safety and health of cows.
Feed is the main energy source for growth and power ..
The better the quality and quantity of feed given, the greater energy
posed and still greater is the energy stored in the form of meat.
Sanitation and Preventive Action
In intensive care the cows so that farmers dikandangkan
easy to watch, while maintaining control extensively difficult
done because the cows are allowed to live freely maintained.
In general, every cow needs a green food. Cows in the
growth, nursing, and so does not require the feed saturated
adequate in terms of quality and quantity.
Feeding can be done in 3 ways: the pastoral (Pasture
fattening), kereman (dry lot faatening) and the combination of first and second ways.
Done by removing grazing cows in the meadow, which
usually done in areas that have large enough pastures,
and takes about 5-7 hours per day. In this way, it is not
require additional rations for cattle feed amplifier has eaten
various types of grass.
The feed can be given by way of rationed / presented which are known as
kereman term. Dikandangkan cows and feed derived from the field,
fields / other places. Every day feed cows require approximately 10%
of body weight and feed an additional 1% - 2% of body weight. Rations
additional fine bran or bran, bungkil coconut, cassava, dregs out.
given by way of mixed feed in place of grass. In addition,
can be added as a reinforcement in the form of mineral salt, Kapus. Cattle feed
in the form of a mixture with a certain amount and the ratio is known
terms rations.
Cow feeding is best is a combination of pastoral and
keraman. According to it, kind of greenish divided
into 3 categories, namely fresh greenery, dried greenery, and silase. Macam
Fresh greenery is weeds, nuts (Demokrasi Anak minosa) and plants
other green. A good grass for cattle feed is the elephant grass, grass
king (King grass), turi leaves, leaf Lamtoro.
Dried green from the fresh green dried accident
goals for durability stored longer. Included in the dry greenery is
rice straw, peanut straw, corn straw, etc.. commonly used
the dry season. This greenery classified many types of feed that contains fiber
Fresh greenery can be silase preserved. In short it silase
This can be explained as follows: greenery that will be closed silase
meetings, resulting in the fermentation process. The results of this process
called silase. Silase examples that have been popular in the community include silase
corn, silase grass, rice straw silase, etc..
Maintenance Cage
Dirt dumped in other places to experience the process of fermentation (+1-2 weeks)
and turned into manure that was mature and well. Cowshed
should not be closed tightly (slightly open) so that air circulation inside
running smoothly.
Clean drinking water should be available at all times. Feed and drinking places
should be made outside the cage but still below the roof. Feeder
be somewhat higher for a given feed is not being trampled or
mixed with dirt. While the drinking water should be made permanent
a tub of cement and slightly higher than the surface of the floor. Provide
Besides equipment for bathing the cattle.
7.1. Disease
1. Anthrax disease
Cause: Bacillus anthracis is transmitted through direct contact,
food / drink or breathing.
Symptoms: (1) high fever, body weakness and trembling; (2) respiratory disorders; (3)
swelling of the glands chest, neck, genital ulcers and the management body; (4)
sometimes dark red blood comes out through the nose, ears,
mouth, anus and vagina; (5) of liquid manure and are often mixed with blood; (6)
spleen was swollen and blackish color.
Control: vaccination, antibiotic treatment, cattle isolate
infected and bury / burn the dead cows.
2. And mouth disease (FMD) or disease Apthae epizootica (AE)
Cause: This virus is spread through direct contact with urine, water
milk, saliva and other objects contaminated with germs AE.
Symptoms: (1) the oral cavity, tongue, and the soles of the feet or blisters and tracak
there is a round protrusion containing a clear liquid; (2) fever or heat, the temperature
bodies decreased dramatically; (3) decreased appetite did not even want to eat the same
once; (4) excessive salivation out.
Control: vaccination and the sick cow was exiled and treated
3. Disease snoring / mendekur or disease Septichaema epizootica (SE)
Cause: Pasturella multocida bacteria. Transmitted through food and
drink contaminated bacteria.
Symptoms: (1) scalp and tongue swollen mucous membranes, red
and blue; (2) neck, anus, and vulva swells; (3) inflamed lung,
mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach sour and dark red; (4) fever and difficult
breathing so that similar people snoring. In very severe conditions, cattle
will die in the time between 12-36 hours.
Control: vaccination anti-SE and given antibiotics or sulfa.
4. Inflammatory disease or nail polish rot (foot rot)
This disease attacks cattle kept in the cage wet and dirty.
Symptoms: (1) at first about the gap nail swelling and white fluid
cloudy; (2) skin peeling nails; (3) growing lumps which have
pain; (4) cows limping and eventually paralyzed.
7.2. Control
Control cow disease is best to keep the cattle with
precautions. Precautions to keep the cattle are:
1. Maintain cleanliness of cages and equipment, including bathing cattle.
2. A sick cow separated by healthy cattle and immediately performed
3. Mengusakan cage floor is always dry.
4. To examine the cattle on a regular basis and conducted in accordance vaccination
8. P A N E N
8.1. Main results
The main results of the cultivation of beef cattle is meat
8.2. Additional Results
In addition to the meat farming, skin and feces as well as
Additional results from beef cattle farming.
9.1. Stoving
There are several technical principles which must be observed in beef cuts that
obtained a good cutting results, namely:
1. Cattle must be rested before cutting
2. Cattle must be clean, free from soil and other dirt that can
contaminate meat.
3. Poultry slaughtering must be done as quickly as possible, and the pain
livestock suffered as small as possible and attempted to exit the blood
4. All the processes used should be designed to reduce the number and
types of microorganisms contaminants to a minimum.
9.2. Barking
Barking at the cows have been slaughtered can be done by using
blunt knife or a miser to undamaged skin. Cowhide
cleaned of meat, fat, blood stains or dirt. If
is clean, with a tenter device made of wood, dried cow skin
in a stretched state. The best position for drying with a light
the sun is in the position angle of 45 degrees.
9.3. Expenditures Offal
After the cows skinned, viscera (visceral) or often referred to
innards removed by cutting carcass (meat) in the cow's stomach.
9.4. Carcass Cutting
End of a beef cattle breeding is to produce a quality carcass
and high berkuantitas that can recahan meat dikonsumsipun
high. A beef cattle are considered good if it can result in carcass
for 59% of the cow's body weight and will eventually gained 46.50%
recahan meat can be consumed. So it can be said that from
a cow that will not entirely cut the carcass and of the whole
carcass would not be entirely able to produce meat for human consumption.
Therefore, to predict the results of carcass and meat to be obtained,
assessment conducted before cattle production. In developed countries there is
specifications for pengkelasan (grading) to steer, Heifer and cow are
will be cut.
Carcass split into two parts ie left the carcass body and carcass
body to the right. Carcass is cut into sub-parts of the neck, groin
front, rear thigh, ribs and back. Pieces are separated into
component of meat, fat, bones and tendons. Cutting carcass must have
good handling fast so as not to be damaged, especially the quality and
hygienitasnya. For carcass condition influenced by the role of microorganisms
during the process of spending cuts and organ meats.
Meat from the carcass has several groups according to quality classes
location on the framework of the body. The first quality meat is meat in the area
thigh (round) about 20%, number two is a haunch of meat (loin),
approximately 17%, number three is the meat back and ribs
(rib) less than 9%, number four is the shoulder area of meat (chuck) more
less than 26%, the number five is the meat chest area (Brisk) approximately 5%, the number
six meat abdominal area (frank) approximately 4%, the number seven is the meat
the lower ribs to the lower abdomen (Plate & suet) is more or less
11%, and the number eight is the meat of the front legs (foreshank) more or less
2.1%. The percentage of the parts of the carcass of the above calculated from the weight
carcass (100%).
Recahan carcass percentage is calculated as follows:
Percentage = Number of recahan carcass weight recahan / carcass weight x 100%
The term for the rest of the edible carcass called edible offal, while
is not called inedible edible offal (eg, horns, feathers,
urinary tract, and other parts that can not be eaten).
10.1. Cultivation of Business Analysis
Approximate analysis of beef cattle farming in Bangli kereman year 25 tail scale
in 1999 are as follows:
1) Cost of Production
a. Purchase 25 tail going: 25 x 250 kg x Rp. 7800, - USD. 48,750,000, - b.
Enclosure USD. 1.000.000, - c. Feed
- Green: 25 x 35 kg x Rp.37, 50 x 365 days
- Concentrate: 25 x 2kg x Rp. 410, - x 365 days
Rp. 12,000,000, --
Rp. 7,482,500, - d. Livestock health Levies: 25 x Rp. 3000, - USD. 75.000, --
The amount of production costs Rp. 69,307,500, --
2) Income
a. Sales cow kereman
Additional> Rp. 75.000, - Total production cost Rp. 69,307,500, --
2) Income
a. Sales cow kereman
Additional weight: 365 x 25 x 0.8 kg = 7300 kg
Cow weight after one year: (25 x 250 kg) + 7300 kg = 13,550 kg
Selling price of live cattle: Rp. 8200, -/kg x 13,550 kg
Rp. 111,110,000, - b. Sales of wet dirt: 365 x 25 x 10 kg x Rp. 12, - USD.
1,095,000, - Total income of Rp. 112,205,000, --
3) Benefits
a. Regardless of internal labor costs fattening profits 25 tails
cow for a year. Rp. 42,897,500, --
4) Parameter business feasibility
a. B / C ratio = 1.61 10.2. Agribusiness Opportunity Preview
Beef cattle have a high economic potential both as a beef cattle
and cattle seed. All this can have beef cattle meat needs
for local as households, hotels, restaurants, manufacturing industry,
inter-island trade. Its main market is the big cities such as cities
metropolitan Jakarta.
Consumers for meat in Indonesia can be classified into several segments
a) Consumer End
Final consumer, or called the consumer households are buyers who
purchased to meet individual needs and desires. This group
includes the greatest portion of meat consumption, estimated at
98% of total consumption.
They can be grouped again into the ova sub-segments, namely:
1. Consumers in the country (middle and upper groups)
This segment is the largest segment of the meat needs of most
met from domestic supply is still not the quality
as certain health requirements and tastes.
2. Foreign consumers
Foreign consumers include families diplomats, employees of the company
and some of these travelers are relatively small portions and not significant. In
Additionally there is also the possibility that overseas customers during this
not reached by the supplier in the country, it means exports have not done / if
portion is not significant.
b) Consumer Industries
Industrial consumers are buyers who use the meat for
recycled into other products and sold again for a profit.
Consumers are primarily includes: hotels and restaurants and an increasing number of
As for the meat trade system in our country set forth in Instruction number 4
kebijakansanakan year 1985 regarding the smooth flow of goods to support
economic activity.
In Indonesia there are 3 organizations that act as suppliers of meat are:
a) KOPPHI (Koperasi Indonesia Deduction Animals), which represents suppliers of production
farm people.
b) APFINDO (Feedlot Breeders Association (fattening) Indonesia), which represents
cattle ranchers c) ASPIDI (Meat Importers Association of Indonesian Entrepreneurs).
11. REFERENCES 1. Abbas Djarijah Siregar. 1996, Cattle Business,
Doubleday, Yogyakarta. 2. Yusni Bandini. 1997, Sapi Bali, Penebar Self,
Jakarta. 3. Teuku Nusyirwan Munandar Jacoeb and Sayid. 1991, Technical Instructions
Beef Cattle Rearing, Directorate of Production Peternaka 4. Directorate
General of Livestock Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta Act Santosa. 1995, Tata
Cattle Rearing like, Penebar Self, Jakarta. 5. Workshop
National Livestock Industry Management. January 24, 1994, Master's Degree Program
Management UGM, Yogyakarta. 6. Kohl, RL. and J.N. Uhl. 1986, Marketing of
Agricultural Products, 5 th ed, Macmillan Publishing Co., New York.
12. CONTACT RELATIONSHIP 1. Project Rural Community Economic Development --
Coconut No. Jl.Sunda. 7 Jakarta, Tel. 021 390 9829, Fax. 021 390 9829 2. Office
State Minister for Research and Technology, Deputy for Administrative Reform and
Science popularization, BPPT Building II, 6th Floor, Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta
10340, Indonesia, Tel. +62 21 316 9166 ~ 69, Fax. +62 21 310 1952, Web site:
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